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APC-Associação Projeto Cidadão-Operation Salvage Picoco (OSP)


Picoco community is one of the the communities under the governance of Boane Municipal, Maputo Province with numerous social challenges and with the assistance of the APC – Associação Projeto Cidadão and support from its well wishers, some of these challenges are been taking care of. With a scattered and dispersed kind of settlement in a verse area of land, this community have numerous non-functional pumps with only one functional hand held pump and about 7 of them seen not working. That should say a lot about the water situation in this place with a population of about 200,000 people. And the sanitation situation is also nothing to write home about, all these are issues we as volunteers are looking at to see how we can support the organization and the community address some of these problems. From the WASH related issues, education, health and economic stability are the key main areas we shall be focusing our attention to and put some energies to see how we can help resolve some of them. We need your support in these three (3) projects we are coming up with which are as below;
I. Furnishing of the Escola Comunitaria El-Shaddai; a school established by the APC on 12th of Februrary,2015 to give children qualiative education in Picoco, with classroom furnitures (desks, chairs and tables),

II. Rehabilitation of the non functional hand pumps to reduce the pressure on the only working one which was built by the APC- Associação Projeto Cidadão after seeing the high demand for water as at that time the pump was dug.

III. The Picoco Community Sanitation Program, which is aimed at educating the inhabitants of the community on sanitationand hygiene, creating adequate waste disposal system and providing a clean environment to curb the spread of sickness/diseasesassociated with indiscriminate dumping/disposal of waste (project still on initiation phase).

Project Justification:

After taking a look at all these problems which are also not limited to Picoco Community but common in most rural communities across Mozambique, the APC – Associação Projeto Cidadão deem it concern to address these issues but due to its resource limitation seek to request support from individuals and concern organization to join this cause to render assistance in every format that could see the actualization of these goals. If these projects are achieved, it will come enormous benefit to the masses and country at large which include;
I. An improved hygiene and health condition of the dwellers of the Picoco Community

II. A disease free community which promotes good health and lifestyle for all

III. A portable drinking water for all persons in the community,

IV. A reduced time wasting in the course of trying to get water for households,

V. A conducive classroom environment for learning in Escola Comunitaria El-Shaddai,

VI. And more time saved to be use in doing other domestic and economic related activities which shall be beneficial to the whole Family.

Project Resource and Budget Plan:

A. Hand Held Pump Rehabilitation:

S/N Materials Qty needed Unit Price Total Price Intended Donations Remark
1 Dois Paredes Casquilho (wall sockets) 2×5 pumps 2.000 Met 10.000 Met    
2 Uma Vazou-a Comprida 1×5 pumps 1.000 Met 5.000 Mtn    
3 Uma Sola 1×5 pumps 1.600 Met 8.000 Met    
4 Workmanship 1×5 pumps 1.500 Met 7.500 Met    
5 Logistics 1 500 Met 500 Met    
6 Total Amount ———— 6.600 Met 31.000 Met    

Pump Engineer/Repairer: Mr. Raul


B. Classroom furnitures for Escola Comunitaria El-Shaddai:

S/N Materials Qty needed Unit Price Total Price Intended Donations Remark
1 Classroom desks 15 5.000 Met 75.000 Met    
2 Classroom Tables 1 1.000 Met 1.000 Met    
3 Classroom Plastic Chairs 10 224 Met 2.240 Met    
4 Teachers Table 3 2.200 Met 6.600 Met    
5 Logistics 1 1.000 Met 1.000 Met    
6 Total Amount ———— ———– 85.840 Met    


For Donations and Partnership;

Complete Name: ____________________________________________

Mobile Contact: _____________________________________________

Email ID: ___________________________________________________

Donations/Partnership: _______________________________________


Thank you for your concern, finally hope restored


– Program designed by Muhammad Awwal Jibril; Volunteer, APC – Associação Projeto Cidadão


For more details, contact;

Nilto Correa Cavalheiro, Coordinator APC, Boane,
Fazendo Jesus Conhecido Através da Convivência e Serviço.
Whatsapp 00 258 8233 38 100
Telefones 00 258 8264 46 233 / 00 258 84011 3424